Exchange Mail Hosting

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Microsoft Exchange Online

After purchasing SPDNet Cloud VDS packages, immediate installation is done. The operating system and control panel are prepared and delivered between 3 and 45 minutes according to your preference. With the Advanced Management System in your customer panel, you can re-install your servers at any time and personalize their features.

Exchange Hesabınıza Her Yerden Erişin

All Cloud servers serve on state-of-the-art equipment within a set of physical servers with multiple servers. As standard in our Network infrastructure, all outside traffic reaches your server after passing through our security system.

All of our cloud systems operate through EMC storage units with state-of-the-art equipment with multiple and redundant server arrays. Your data is protected super fast and secure thanks to EMC storage units and Raid systems and SSD cache technologies. Thanks to the technological equipment we have, we provide all businesses with appropriate solutions according to their needs.

Ortak Klasörler ile Dosya Paylaşımı

After purchasing SPDNet Cloud VDS packages, immediate installation is done. The operating system and control panel are prepared and delivered between 3 and 45 minutes according to your preference. With the Advanced Management System in your customer panel, you can re-install your servers at any time and personalize their features.

Kişisel ve Paylaşımlı Görev Yönetimi

All Cloud servers serve on state-of-the-art equipment within a set of physical servers with multiple servers. As standard in our Network infrastructure, all outside traffic reaches your server after passing through our security system.

All of our cloud systems operate through EMC storage units with state-of-the-art equipment with multiple and redundant server arrays. Your data is protected super fast and secure thanks to EMC storage units and Raid systems and SSD cache technologies. Thanks to the technological equipment we have, we provide all businesses with appropriate solutions according to their needs.

Gelişmiş Antispam & Antivirüs Hizmeti

After purchasing SPDNet Cloud VDS packages, immediate installation is done. The operating system and control panel are prepared and delivered between 3 and 45 minutes according to your preference. With the Advanced Management System in your customer panel, you can re-install your servers at any time and personalize their features.

Kişisel ve Paylaşımlı Adres Defteri

All Cloud servers serve on state-of-the-art equipment within a set of physical servers with multiple servers. As standard in our Network infrastructure, all outside traffic reaches your server after passing through our security system.

All of our cloud systems operate through EMC storage units with state-of-the-art equipment with multiple and redundant server arrays. Your data is protected super fast and secure thanks to EMC storage units and Raid systems and SSD cache technologies. Thanks to the technological equipment we have, we provide all businesses with appropriate solutions according to their needs.

Sunucu Tabanlı E-posta Kuralları

After purchasing SPDNet Cloud VDS packages, immediate installation is done. The operating system and control panel are prepared and delivered between 3 and 45 minutes according to your preference. With the Advanced Management System in your customer panel, you can re-install your servers at any time and personalize their features.

Outlook Web Access Webmail

All Cloud servers serve on state-of-the-art equipment within a set of physical servers with multiple servers. As standard in our Network infrastructure, all outside traffic reaches your server after passing through our security system.

All of our cloud systems operate through EMC storage units with state-of-the-art equipment with multiple and redundant server arrays. Your data is protected super fast and secure thanks to EMC storage units and Raid systems and SSD cache technologies. Thanks to the technological equipment we have, we provide all businesses with appropriate solutions according to their needs.

Outlook ile Tam Entegrasyon

After purchasing SPDNet Cloud VDS packages, immediate installation is done. The operating system and control panel are prepared and delivered between 3 and 45 minutes according to your preference. With the Advanced Management System in your customer panel, you can re-install your servers at any time and personalize their features.

İşinizi riske etmeyin

All Cloud servers serve on state-of-the-art equipment within a set of physical servers with multiple servers. As standard in our Network infrastructure, all outside traffic reaches your server after passing through our security system.

All of our cloud systems operate through EMC storage units with state-of-the-art equipment with multiple and redundant server arrays. Your data is protected super fast and secure thanks to EMC storage units and Raid systems and SSD cache technologies. Thanks to the technological equipment we have, we provide all businesses with appropriate solutions according to their needs.



Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet, Concetetur Adipiscing Elit, Sed do EiusMod Tempor Incididunt U Labore et Dolore Magna Aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud упражнение ullamco labouris nisi ut aliquip ex ea кассовый след. Duis aute irure dolor в репереендерит в завитке Velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet, Concetetur Adipiscing Elit, Sed do EiusMod Tempor Incididunt U Labore et Dolore Magna Aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud упражнение ullamco labouris nisi ut aliquip ex ea кассовый след. Duis aute irure dolor в репереендерит в завитке Velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet, Concetetur Adipiscing Elit, Sed do EiusMod Tempor Incididunt U Labore et Dolore Magna Aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud упражнение ullamco labouris nisi ut aliquip ex ea кассовый след. Duis aute irure dolor в репереендерит в завитке Velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet, Concetetur Adipiscing Elit, Sed do EiusMod Tempor Incididunt U Labore et Dolore Magna Aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud упражнение ullamco labouris nisi ut aliquip ex ea кассовый след. Duis aute irure dolor в репереендерит в завитке Velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

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